Pretty fuckin' heavy, man. I don't know why you were worried about the cymbals, they sound pretty badass to me. I like your tone, too. You use a POD, right?
Download for sure, and 5, duder. Rock on \n/
Pretty fuckin' heavy, man. I don't know why you were worried about the cymbals, they sound pretty badass to me. I like your tone, too. You use a POD, right?
Download for sure, and 5, duder. Rock on \n/
Cheers man, glad you dig it! Yes, I use a podx3 live. I'm on my 3rd one. :( They keep falling apart on me...the tone is killer, but the hardware is shit.
This is pretty good shit, man. I like your guitar tone. The drums could be brought up a little bit through, my only rub. 5 star, 5 vote from me. Rock on, broski
Hey thanks, man! You should check out the one with vocals on here. It was from the full-length release... I'll be re-releasing it with better VSTs shortly, when I put out the new album! :)
Do you record your drums or..? You always have some of that badass 100hz~ low end. I need meh some o' dat. Good shit, man.
Thanks dude, I hope it isn't too much....all my gear here, eats the fuck outta low I can't truly balance it out awesomely. Otherwise, no, I don't record my own drums. But am very happy with what I have....haha. Cheers, man.
Still bustin' em out I see! Good shit, man.
Thanks dudeface!
Got a badass vibe goin here, kind of like a Pantera/Cannibal Corpse groove goin on. Nice mixing here bro. Not gonna lie. Aces, 10, Fav, Download
thanks man. Yeah, I've been getting deep into CC lately. Awesome riffs to play, fun. And thanks, I finally am starting to get the hang of trying to balance the mixing of the instruments and the overall track. cheers \m/
Nice man.
It sounds like those guitar tracks off of uh.. like the ones they make for Dynasty Warriors n shit. Good for battles n whatnot
Nice shit bro. 5 10
ahahahahahahahae This is one for the ol Zune
cheers for the listen bro
From my end it sounds just fine. I don't hear any fizzes when you use s's or t's so it isn't to much.. good fucking job man. Another ace track :]
Yeah, I think I just get picky on everything and anything... about 10 minutes before I post. It happens just about every time. What can I say... I'm a pedantic son of a bitch!
Cheers for the invite to do this one... it was great fun!
Not gonna lie.
Bests my shit by far. Good stuff man, much props. I fucking love bards vox :D
deathkllr has definitely got a good sound happening... but that shouldn't take anything away from your gear... they're just different styles, in my opinion.
cheers for the props :D
Screams r badass bro.
Love it. Good fuckn job. The talking does fit, haha.
One thing though..
Do you usually use like pitch correction or something? Because.. not to be a dick or anything broseph but.. your cleans are flat like.. the whole time 0.o
Other than that your vox are straight up badass. props.
I know what you're hearing: there's a three-part harmony during the chorus, and the middle one is off. If I muted that one, it would be almost perfect, but then it would take out that three-part sound.
I tried to auto-tune it, but I couldn't get it to work right. I resang it at least 20 times. I tried muting all the other vocal tracks. I tried leaving all the other vocal tracks in. After spending all that time trying to get it in-tune, I finally just got it close and left it alone; no reason to stress out over it.
Thanks for the review, amigo - it is appreciated.
Metal! \m/
Age 33, Male
Holiday Inn
Claremore High School
Claremore, OK
Joined on 3/25/05